Oil Slack Wax

Only 2% of crude oil is converted into lubricating oils, and a small percentage of that is processed into wax products. Slack Wax is derived from lubricating oils and are less refined high-oil product.

These high oils have relatively high oil content and are processed further to produce more refined waxes. Most slack waxes do not meet FDA requirements for food packaging. this product verifies from light to heavy grades based on its melting point.


Melting point 50-52˚C is categorized in light grades and 53-55˚C is the heavy grade, and their oil content ranges from 5.0% to as much as 35%. Slack wax is the crude wax produced by chilling and solvent filter-pressing wax distillate. Actually, this product is a mixture of oil and wax.

It serves as feedstock and that is further refined and blended to create value-added petroleum wax products.